Case Studies
Case Study 1
In this episode, Dominic Manca introduces a scenario of role conflict and role overload in an Aged Care Facility. First we look at the initial work injury scenario, and then how return to work after injury needs to consider psychosocial risks.
Please click here to access the transcript for this case study.
Case Study 2
In this episode, Associate Professor Carlo Caponecchia discusses a case in the construction industry that primarily involved isolation and remote work. This leads into a reflection on the contribution that several players in the organisation could make to simple re-design strategies that could have made the work less likely to cause harm.
Please click here to access the transcript for this case study.
Case Study 3
In this episode, Professor Tim Bentley explores a case that involves workplace bullying in a nursing setting, and how aspects of the work system could be re-designed to eliminate or minimise the risk that were present.
Please click here to access the transcript for this case study.
Case Study 4
In this episode, Tatjana Jokic looks at a scenario where the worker was not consulted regarding a change in role. This led to a workers’ compensation claim for psychological injury being lodged.
Please click here to access the transcript for this case study.
Case Study 5
In this episode, Dr Robyn Coman explores a case of where high job demands, workplace change and poor support combined to influence health outcomes for a worker in chemical manufacturing.
Please click here to access the transcript for this case study.
Case Study 6
In this episode, Dr Beth Mayland talks about a case of that involves role conflict, isolation, role overload and poor communication.
Please click here to access the transcript for this case study.
Case Study 7
In this episode, Associate Professor Ben Farr-Wharton introduces a case where an employee experienced domestic violence while working from home, and discusses what could be re-designed to improve this situation
Please click here to access the transcript for this audio file.
Case Study 8
In this episode, Dr Vinod Gopaldasani talks about a case involving work overload and low job control in the manufacturing industry.
Please click here to access the transcript for this case study.